A couple in their sixties were caught inside their caravan when a thief drove off with them still inside.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the couple were picking up their new caravan from a dealership in a suburb of Adelaide when the offender saw the keys in the ignition of the attached car and jumped in for a joy-ride.
Salesman Dean Kessner who works at the depot was showing the couple around their new vehicle as it was being stolen but managed to jump out. He said: “I just didn’t know whether the handbrake had come loose … and it nudged off and then as it was going there was just panic.”
Alarmed over the couple’s safety, he added he was ” just concerned for the safety of the people inside, that’s what I was worried about.”
Senior Constable Rebecca Stokes described the scene as the thief drove away: “The couple were trapped inside as the offender crashed into another car that was parked in Enfield Ave, but kept driving”.
“It was obviously a terrifying ride for the couple still trapped in the back of the caravan” she said.
The couple were left shaken but unhurt when the thief dumped the car a few streets away.