
Will you be watching Carry on Caravanning on Channel 5 this evening?

Will Channel 5's documentary be a tongue-in-cheek look at caravanning or highlight the benefits of the pastime?

by Joe Jeffrey

Caravan documentary to focus on those that hit the road in their homes on wheels

Whatever your plans are for this evening, cancel them. Take the phone off the hook, put the kettle on, and make sure you’re sitting comfortably. For tonight, at 8pm, you’re in for a treat – we hope.

Channel 5 will be broadcasting a light-hearted documentary, entitled Carry on Caravanning, profiling some of the estimated one million caravanners in the UK.

With the caravan industry in the UK thought to contribute around £6billion to the economy each year, and its popularity is on the rise, particularly with people in their 20s and 30s, the documentary will focus on a selection of caravan-lovers and road-bound holiday-makers as they face the camera and demonstrate why they are willing to defy angry drivers, snobbish frequent fliers and the notoriously unpredictable British weather to spend leisurely weekends in their homes on wheels.

We here at CaravanTimes will certainly be watching with a close eye, so make sure you do too. And look out for a review on CaravanTimes tomorrow.

Will you be tuning in tonight at 8pm? How do you think caravanners will be portrayed in Carry on Caravanning?