
Telegraph offers caravan insurance tips

The insurance advice offers tips on how to weigh up the risk versus the cost

by Chris Jefferies

Insuring your caravan can be a daunting process, with so many decisions to be made. For this reason, a national newspaper has issued its top tips for making the right choice.

The Daily Telegraph today published new advice on its website,, which includes tips on how to weigh up the risk versus the cost.

Caravan insurance offers a lot more flexibility than other types of insurance. For example, caravan awnings are not automatically covered and so can cost extra.

Meanwhile, it’s important to consider where you will be using your caravan (in the UK or abroad), and whether you will want to lend it to a third-party driver.

The Telegraph’s top tips on reducing your premium include installing a locking gatepost at your home or joining a recognised caravan club.

Caravan insurance can be found through a variety of brokers, including CETA, which offers a range of policy options in conjunction with the Telegraph.