
Haven: Switch off the mobile and relax

Brits planning a caravan holiday this year have been encouraged to switch off their mobile phones

Brits planning a caravan holiday this year have been encouraged to switch off their mobile phones and escape from the rigours of everyday life.

Haven has picked up on research by the Family Holiday Association, which shows that vacations can be beneficial to the family unit as they give people the chance to spend quality time with their relatives.

The firm suggested that visitors to its 35 caravan parks would benefit from switching off their mobile phones and taking part in the various activities available.

“We offer fencing lessons, football coaching, archery, golf, horse-riding, climbing walls and a whole range of activities in our swimming pools from swimming lessons to Aqua Gliders and Water Walkerz,” the company said.

A range of children’s activities are also available which should keep the kids happy while the adults have fun.

Meanwhile, Haven recently revealed that it has spent £40 million on new water park facilities at a number of its sites.