
Has The Boris Factor Boosted The Caravan Industry

Has Bo Jo started a boom

By William Coleman

The current Prime Minister is a lot like Marmite, you either love him or hate him. But has Boris Johnson had a profound and positive effect on the world or caravanning? One leisure industry chairman seems to think so.

The chairman of a multi-award winning Shropshire leisure company believes the ‘Boris factor’ is rubbing off on the caravan industry just days after the new Prime Minister was appointed.

Tony Bywater, from Salop Leisure in Shrewsbury, Machynlleth and Stourport-on-Severn, is convinced that Boris Johnson has given the country a very much needed confidence boost after months of political uncertainty.

“It may be a coincidence, but we noticed an upturn in business straightaway after Boris’ appointment,” said Mr Bywater. “Customers now seem more confident about buying our touring caravans, motorhomes, caravan holiday homes and luxury lodges. They are keen to do business.

“I think most people feel that Boris is making things happen and the country is moving forward after six months of stagnation and uncertainty. His appointment really seems to have shaken up the population.”

Here at CaravanTimes we do our best not show a political side or agenda. But what we will do is report on things that are clear and not motivated by opinion. It does seem that whatever happens with the Brexit the leisure industry will me impact, in some way positive and in other ways negative.

A lot of companies have existing trade deals with companies throughout Europe that we here in the UK directly benefit from. In the event of a ‘no deal’ or if tariffs are introduced we may seem some price increases which will have a knock on effect to the consumer.

On the positive side, which I feel we are already starting to see, a lot more people are staying home for their holidays. Rentals, second hand and new sales are on the increase and tourist hot spots all across the UK are starting to report boosts in income. So we may be at the beginning of a very good few years.