
French Artist Benedetto Bufalino creates sky-high caravan art

To boldly go where no caravan has been before

by Jake Polden

Just when you thought modern art couldn’t baffle you any further, Benedetto Bufalino – a French artist known for distorting perception by creating, amongst other things, a cardboard Ferrari and fish tank phone box – has sent a caravan into the skies.

Entitled “la caravane dans le ciel”, the performance art piece involves the caravan rising up on a go-go-gadget jack, slowly elevating to a precarious height way up in the clouds.

Watching over the land below both in the day and at night, the caravan casts a warming glow from its interior lights to illuminate everything in its vicinity.

Quite what this work of art ‘says’ is anyone’s guess, but we’d say that bringing attention to something that may be otherwise overlooked in the most brash way possible, can only be a good thing.

Below you can watch the tentative journey of the caravan ascending into an area previously undiscovered by its kind:

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