
Couple forced to cancel honeymoon after caravan theft

Towing off into the sunset is the dream for many newly-weds

by Jack Beresford

A caravanning couple who have just got married saw their honeymoon plans dealt a cruel blow after the tourer they were planning to use for the trip was stolen.

Scunthorpe-based pair Jo and Mick Curtis had been all set to head to Brittany in France for a holiday to celebrate their new union, Get Bracknell reports.

Collecting their Abbey Freestyle 540 caravan from a farm in Barkham, they set off on their trip.

But after deciding to head to a local pub, the Peacock Inn, for a drink, on their return they received a nasty surprise.

Mrs Curtis told the news provider: “We went to have a drink in the pub and my husband looked out at about 9.45pm and it was still there, but when I checked about half an hour later it was gone.

“It had been hitched off as our car was still there.”

The caravan has been described as white with a black stripe on each side and police are calling on anyone with any clue as to its whereabouts to step forward.