
Caravan owners warned about skilled thieves

Thieves can go to surprising lengths to steal a caravan

by Chris Malone

With Britain enjoying a late burst of warm sunshine last week, caravanners may have been tempted to let their guard down when it comes to protecting their tourer.

However, Tracker has warned that thieves are capable of overcoming even the most secure anti-theft devices if they are determined to relieve you of your mobile holiday home.

Police liaison officer for the firm Stuart Chapman explained that criminals find it easy to make good their escape when stealing a caravan at this time of year as they can blend in with the countless other tourers on the roads.

“This is the time of year that caravan thefts start to reach their peak and worryingly we are seeing examples where single-minded thieves are removing industry recognised anti-theft locks from caravans,” he said.

The firm gave an example of a caravan reported stolen in Newcastle at 13:00 BST earlier this week, which was later recovered by police 300 miles away in Essex the following morning at 04:00.

According to BBC Weather, the remainder of October could be a mixed bag, with some rain and a fair amount of wind perhaps meaning it is time to start thinking about bringing the caravan home for winter.