
Bizarre caravan insurance claims revealed

Pigeon remains upset and regretful after his shameful behaviour following encounter with owner's caravan

By Josh Budd

Saga Caravan Insurance reveal strange claims made by caravanners

Work for any insurance company and you will inevitably hear unusual stories about outlandish claims made by various customers. Work for Saga Caravan Insurance, however, which deals with the often unpredictable and adventurous lifestyle of avid caravanners, and the stories you hear will be downright bizarre.

The caravan insurance specialists have now revealed the details of some of their more unusual claims, with one customer contacting Saga to tell them that the roof of their caravan was damaged due to a violent gust of wind lifting a full-sized trampoline into the air and dropping it on a neighbour’s caravan parked next door. The trampoline caused significant damage to the caravan’s roof, costing £6,000 worth of damage, according to data released.

Another claim, revealed by Saga Caravan Insurance, came about when a caravan owner, about to depart on holiday, found that all of her caravan’s doors had been super-glued shut. Since she was unable to open them, it cost her an excess of £500 to replace the door seals.

Saga Caravan Insurance also revealed several other bizarre insurance claims. One of which involved a pigeon, which, upon falling out of a tree, caused £1,000 worth of damage after plummeting through a caravan window. Another claim implicated a cost of £1,000, ensuing a caravanner who blindly followed his sat nav’s instructions down tight country roads, scratching and damaging his caravan in the process.

Indeed, it is the inherent sense of adventure and exploration in caravanning, that people seem to find most appealing. Such strange and bizarre events as those involving flying trampolines or kamikaze pigeons are part of what makes caravanning so delightfully exciting and unpredictable, as Saga Services chief executive, Roger Ramsden, agrees: “Like any adventure, caravanning is not without risk, as lots of unusual things have stopped our customers in their tracks.”

Have you had to make a claim on your caravan insurance for anything? If so, let us know what it was.