
All about Swift’s SMART Construction technology

SMART construction eliminates timber and water damage from your motorhome

by Jo Subramaniam

CaravanTimes travelled to Swift’s HQ to seek answers to all the questions surrounding Swift’s Smart Construction technology and to find out more about the clever technology behind it

If you really know your caravans, this little brainteaser should be a piece of cake. What does ‘SMART’ stand for? Our caps lock button isn’t broken, so this is a legitimate question. Don’t know the answer? We’ll give you a few little hints to help you along!

SMART is Swift‘s carefully crafted construction system set to feature in all coachbuilt motorhomes for 2015. This piece of advanced technology builds stronger, better Swift caravans than ever before, but it’s not just a catchy name. SMART stands for Strong, Modern, Aerodynamic, Resilient, and… well it’s no fun if we give the whole game away, is it?

Having invested a whopping £2million in ensuring their technology is on the ball, SMART construction has undergone the most comprehensive testing in the UK, ensuring a truly smart caravan and very happy campers – or caravanners and motorhomers anyway.

So to find out more about the technology behind SMART construction, as well as Swift’s innovative way of ensuring your caravan will stay in top shape for years to come, watch our SMART video (pun completely intended) for all you need to know about Swift’s construction system.

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