
Teardrop caravan and Corvette tow car get Rolling Stones make over

The Rolling Stones caravan in all its glory

by Ben Wilby

The Rolling Stones are one of the most famous and influential rock bands in music history, with a huge worldwide fan base. Some of whom clearly love the band more than others.

With the band having recently made a live return to mark their 50th anniversary, one eager caravanner has found the perfect way to show their devotion to the band – by decorating their caravan with a Rolling Stones design.

The Stones-mad caravan-enthusiast decided that their teardrop caravan would look better if they followed Mick Jagger’s advice and “paint it black”.

What’s more, the 1968 Chevrolet Corvette C3 that was towing it also received the treatment, being painted completely black and receiving murals dedicated to the Stones.

The designs show the band’s faces in caricature, feature some of their famous album art and include an impressively designed Keith Richards playing his guitar while musical notation flows down one side of the car.

The Corvette was modified to include side-pipes, racing wheels and a blower on top – modifications that sadly never made it to the caravan.

The caravan was first spotted in America by Corvette, but was recently seen in London; clearly this was one fan eager to show the band their devotion.

What do you think? An impressive piece of art from a true fan – or just a little tacky? To make up your mind, watch the video below.