Figures obtained by IAM reveal that speeding has remained the biggest offence committed over the years
In figures obtained by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) from the Ministry of Justice, it has been revealed that, over the last decade, speeding is still the biggest motoring-related offence where the defendant is found guilty in court, with the numbers of those found guilty rising continuing to rise.
Those found guilty have risen from 115,935 to 148,426 (a 28 per cent increase) over the last 12 months. This has proven to be the highest number since 2005 with the sharpest increase within the last year. The figures obtained in 2014 were two per cent greater than those from 2004.
Following behind speeding as the next highest offence was vehicle insurance-related crimes. The difference can be seen with the numbers for this offence having actually fallen significantly since 2004.
The number found guilty in court for vehicle insurance-related crimes were only 118,254. Although this is a seven per cent increase from 2013, it is an overall 84 per cent decrease from the numbers received in 2014 (218,142 found guilty).
Also falling in massive numbers over the last decade are offences related to vehicle registration and excise duty as well as driving with alcohol in the blood above the legal limit.
Following is the top five list of offences where offenders are found guilty in court listed as offence/ 2004 numbers/ 2013/ 2014/ per cent change within one year/ per cent change within 10 years:
Speed limit offences / 146,161/ 115,935/ 148,426/ 28 per cent/ two per cent
Vehicle insurance offences/ 218,142/ 110,843/ 118,254/ seven per cent/ down 84 per cent
Failing to supply information as to identity of driver when required/ not applicable/ 50,687/ 54,372/ seven per cent/ not applicable
Vehicle registration and excise license offences/ 192,959/ 55,182/ 46,636/ down 15 per cent/ down 314 per cent
Driving with alcohol in the blood above the prescribed limit/ 74,055/ 40,683/ 37,853/ down seven per cent/ down 96 per cent
Some other offences with a large number of guilty verdicts include neglecting road regulations (16,951), using or causing others to use a mobile phone whilst driving (16,025), and driving licence-related offences (15,982).
Some new offences show the changing nature of motor related crimes such as causing serious injury by dangerous driving.
In lieu of the figures, Chief Executive Officer of IAM, Sarah Sillars, said: “We can see from these figures that as the UK comes out of recession traffic levels have risen, speeding appears to be becoming more prevalent and regrettably casualties are rising again.
“The government and police forces cannot afford to take their eye off the ball and more visible policing is, in our view, the key way to ensure that people don’t think they can get away with speeding.
“In addition, local campaigns must remain high-profile to make sure drivers don’t get complacent, or forget that speed can kill,” she finished.
Speeding is “one of the main factors in fatal road accidents,” according to the government’s THINK! campaign. In 2013, 3,064 people were killed or seriously injured in crashes where speed was a factor.
Sillars later added, “On a positive note, the joining up of databases across agencies and the increased use of number plate recognition cameras means some motoring crimes have fallen in big numbers.”