The Government has revealed it will scrap plans to increase fuel duty by a penny after the threat of protests from motorists. The rise in fuel tax had previously been announced by Labour in its final budget. Yet uncertainty in the Middle East and the rapidly escalating price of petrol has made any changes untenable, forcing the Coalition to backtrack.
Earlier this week Caravan Times asked whether rising fuel prices are changing the way we drive. A number of caravanners revealed they have been forced to cut back on trips after the increase in fuel costs. And online campaign group Fair Fuel UK amassed over 120,000 signatures in a petition against the increase.
David Cameron has now promised to look closer at ways of countering the rise in fuel prices. The Prime Minister sympathised with motorists who he felt are going through a “tough” time.
At Prime Minister’s Questions yesterday Mr Cameron said “I know how tough it is for motorists, particularly for small businesses and families, when they are filling up at the pumps and it’s over £1.30 a litre.
“We will look at the fact that extra revenue comes to the Treasury when there’s a higher oil price, and see if we can share some of that benefit with the motorist.”
Fuel prices are currently at £1.30 a litre, with fuel duty costing just under 59 pence for every litre sold. This year caravanners have already been forced to absorb the impact of the rise in VAT from 17.5% to 20%.