
Older tow car drivers ‘should have regular health checks’

Campaign group RoadSafe pointed out older drivers are more prone to simple errors

by Gemma Roskell

It has been recommended that older motorists attend regular health checks to make sure their driving abilities are not impaired as they age.

Campaign group RoadSafe pointed out that older drivers are more prone to simple errors that could cause them to crash.

Clare Simpson, communications executive at the group, explained that overall, older people are safer on the road than their younger counterparts.

However, she said age-related decline in mental and physical abilities can become a problem behind the wheel.

Road safety is particularly important for those towing caravans, so older caravan enthusiasts may wish to heed RoadSafe’s advice.

Ms Simpson also said that modern cars can reduce the risks for older drivers on the road.

“Many models are available with raised seats for easy access and systems to improve blind spot awareness,” she explained.

“These features are not designed to take responsibility away from the driver, but they can be a useful investment.”

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