
National Trust releases essential list for kids on caravan holidays

The National Trust's campaign aims to get more kids playing outdoors

by Maeve O’Donnell

The National Trust has recently launched a campaign to get children off the sofa and into the great outdoors.

The trust has compiled a list of 50 things to do before you’re 11 3/4, all of which are perfect for keeping children occupied on a caravan holiday.

Under 12s, or anyone who fancies a go, can start making the most of Britain’s countryside with activities ranging from abseiling to camping out in the wild.

The list comes after a National Trust commissioned report which revealed that a third of children have never climbed a tree and one in ten cannot ride a bike.

This weekend will see over 200 of the National Trust’s houses and gardens open their gates to all.

A group of ‘Elite Rangers’ has been formed by National Trust staff who will be on hand to offer children advice over the free weekend happening the 21st and 22nd April.

Children can also pick up a scrapbook to record their adventures and visit to check off items and earn their very own explorer badge.