
How To Make Your Motorhome Energy Efficient And Save Money

Top tips on battling the cold

By William Coleman

Living in a Motorhome, even if it’s just for a weekend is a highly enjoyable experience, however one major downside can be the cold. As you may discover, the cold can sneak into your portable home from anywhere, which can lead to miserable days and freezing nights inside your home on wheels. So, what can you do to make your Motorhome more energy efficient? We have put together some actionable tips which could see temperatures rise and your energy bills plummet.

Test Your Windows
While windows are great for observing the beautiful scenery from the comfort of your own motorhome, they can also play a big part in letting the elements inside. A small draught can lead to expensive problems if it is not dealt with appropriately. If it seems as though one or more of your windows are allowing cold air to enter, it may be worth placing seals around the faulty windows in order to trap the heat inside your motorhome. If you plan on keeping your existing windows, start by checking for any leaks or draught entering your RV.
If your Motorhome is relatively modern, it is likely than their windows are double skinned. However, if your RV is slightly older, this may not be the case. Single skinned acrylic windows can be a major culprit if your Motorhome is lacking in warmth. If this isn’t the case, you should consider replacing your windows with a modern upgrade. If the cost of installing new windows is too expensive, an alternative technique you could use is to attach thermal screens to the windows of your motorhome. The thermal screens are specifically designed to increase the internal temperature of an RV.

Insulation is Important
When it comes to motorhomes, it’s not just the walls and roof which are important to insulate. The floor of your motorhome is a majorly important factor in determining the internal temperature. Replacing or installing insulation in the walls can be a major task, which may not always produce highly desirable results. Using warm carpet with a foam backing can be a great way to increase the temperature inside your RV. This will take considerably less time than insulating your walls and you will likely benefit just as much.

Using Ionic Shower Heads
When using your Motorhome in the countryside, warm showers are always an absolute luxury. However, it is important to make the most out of what warm water you have. By installing a power shower head, you can improve the shower pressure and reduce the amount of water you are using. This can be really useful, especially if the amount of water you have access to is limited. Once such shower head from Shower Stream can improve water saving by up to 30% and increase water pressure by up to 200%.

Use what sunlight you have
Sunlight can be a rare sight in the UK, but you can make the most of what sunlight you have by adding solar panels to your motorhome. While this may be an expensive initial investment, the cost will eventually even out if you plan on using your motorhome often and long term. Solar panels can also be useful as they will also be able to recharge your battery if and when electricity is not available.

Motorhome Skirting
If you’re living in a static caravan or motorhome, skirting is vitally important in protecting your home from the elements. By leaving the sides of your caravan open, they are vulnerable to the elements, which can lead to lower temperatures during the winter months. By adding skirting to your static, you are essentially adding an extra barrier between you and the cold. The underside of your caravan will really benefit. Less cold air will be able to travel from underneath your floor and into your home. Skirting can also really improve the look of your caravan if fitted correctly.

Protect your pipes
If your water is failing to heat up quickly, it could be caused by the temperature of your external pipes. It can be costly to re-heat this water with either gas or electricity. By insulating your pipes, you are preventing the cold from dropping your water temperature and therefore you will require less energy to heat your water, as it will have a higher initial temperature. Before travelling anywhere in your Motorhome, make sure you check that you do not have any frozen water sitting in your pipes. If you do, ensure that you thaw them straight away.