
How to beat the post-holiday blues

Most people will be familiar with that melancholic feeling that creeps in once you return from a holiday and life goes back to normal, often referred to as the “post-holiday blues”. 

With many people planning summer getaways in their caravan or motorhome, understanding the psychology behind this phenomenon and the most effective ways to adjust back to everyday life can be helpful. 

The post-holiday blues is a common experience, with 57 per cent of people reporting feeling down after taking a holiday. The symptoms can include sadness, low mood, anxiety, irritability, changes in sleep and appetite and loss of motivation.

One reason why people experience this feeling is that holidays can provide a break from the stress of everyday life. When we return to our normal routine, we may feel overwhelmed or anxious.

Another is that holidays can be a time of heightened expectations. We may anticipate having a perfect holiday, and when things don’t go according to plan, we can feel disappointed or let down.

The good news is that there are things you can do to beat the post-holiday blues. Psychologist and co-founder of UK Therapy Rooms Dr Daniel Glazer has shared his top five tips.

Log your memories

One of the best ways to recapture the joy of your holiday is to log your memories. You can do this by scrapbooking, journaling or creating a photo album. This way, you can look back on your vacation fondly instead of asking yourself why it had to end. 

Bring your experiences home with you

What new skills or hobbies did you learn on your holiday? Continue to practise them or learn more about them. This will help you to keep the memories of your holiday alive.

Spend time with loved ones

Holidays are a great time to connect with those closest to you. Make sure to schedule time with friends and family after your holiday and keep your social life busy.

Avoid unhealthy habits 

It’s easy to fall into unhealthy habits on holiday, such as drinking too much alcohol or staying up late. When you return home, be mindful of your habits and make sure to get back to a healthy routine.

Get outside and exercise 

Spending time in nature and keeping up with a regular exercise routine have both been shown to have many benefits for mental health. Make sure to get outside and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine after your holiday.

If you’re struggling with the post-holiday blues, it’s important to reach out for help. Talk to a friend, family member or therapist. There is no shame in seeking support, and it can make a big difference to your overall well-being.

In some cases, the post-holiday blues can be a sign of something more serious, such as depression or anxiety. If you’re experiencing symptoms that are severe or interfere with your daily life, it’s important to seek professional help.



Image credit: Leon Bublitz / Unsplash