
Chrissie Wellington MBE has done it again with the help of Bailey of Bristol

Chrissie Wellington MBE and her team pose in front of their stunning Bailey Approach Autograph 765

by Laura Diaz

With the aid of Bailey of Bristol, four-time world triathlon champion Chrissie Wellington MBE and three other adventurous athletes have recently completed the 4-3-2-1 Challenge in support of The Rainbow Trust and Jole Rider children’s charities

Along with her team and a trusty Bailey caravan, Chrissie Wellington MBE was able to complete the extreme physical endurance test that is the 4-3-2-1 Challenge. The team’s dependable Bailey Approach Autograph 765 motorhome support vehicle was fundamental in their success.

The demanding course, selected by the team members themselves, consisted of two excruciating tasks. The first was running up and down the UK’s three highest mountains, which is a distance of 29 miles. The second, and particularly torturous, consisted of cycling from one mountain to the other, a further 420 miles. Both challenges were to be completed in under 48 hours!

The 4-3-2-1 Challenge stands for four people, three peaks, two wheels and one challenge. As the name of the challenge suggests, the support provided by their Bailey Approach Autograph 765 was instrumental to their victory. The vehicle gave the team a comfortable place in which to re-fuel, refresh and rest en route. The motorhome’s interior allowed the team to travel on the lap of luxury as they strived to complete their charity-directed challenge.

Bailey of Bristol created a 4-3-2-1 Challenge Pinterest Board documenting the champions’ journey. No doubt The Rainbow Trust and Jole Rider children’s charities are thrilled at the completion of this challenge. The entire team at CaravanTimes wishes to congratulate the athletes, as well as Bailey of Bristol, on their completion of the excruciating challenge for such a noble cause!