
Caravanners could have black box monitor installed in vehicle

It was recently proposed that British drivers should be monitored by technology

Caravan enthusiasts could soon find every detail of their drive to a campsite recorded by an aeroplane-style black box recorder.

The European Commission has launched Project Veronica to look into how the technology can be used in cars.

The equipment would monitor and record driver actions such as speed, braking and indication, with the ultimate aim of improving road safety.

However, the Institute of Advanced Motorists has warned that the black box would not necessarily cut the number of accidents on UK roads.

“In terms of road safety the only way it affects how people drive is the cultural thing of ‘there’s a black box watching me so I’ll be careful’,” explained chief examiner Peter Rodger.

He said that while this will have an effect on some drivers, others will not change their habits.

Mr Rodger added that the technology will only help tell what happened in an accident, not prevent it occurring.

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