
The heatwave driving hack you need to know about

As the UK remains hot and sunny throughout the June heatwave, many motorists will be wondering how to keep cool on the road.

For those heading off in their motorhomes, long periods of driving are more than likely. These tourers will be pleased to know the experts at Select Car Leasing have come up with the ultimate driving hack to stop you and your leisure vehicle from overheating.

If your motorhome has an AC unit, look for the recirculation button. We all know it’s there, but we’re willing to bet not many people actually know how to use it properly.

When pressed, the button takes the air within your vehicle and circulates it, rather than pulling in fresh air from outside. This supports your AC to keep you cool. The sun can be unforgiving and, when it is, the recirculation button will be your best friend.

Here are four reasons why this little button is so useful.

1. It keeps you cooler

By stopping hot air from entering the vehicle and circulating what’s already inside, your motorhome will be much cooler. This will make things easier for you, as well as your passengers, especially on long journeys with children and pets.

2. It boosts the life of your AC

Because your AC unit won’t be pulling in hot air from the outside, it won’t need to work as hard. Instead, it will run at an optimal level, allowing your vehicle to quickly become as cold as possible.

Additionally, with less strain on the system, the air filters will stay clean for much longer, increasing the longevity of your vehicle.

3. It prevents pollen and pollution

There’s a secondary benefit to using the recirculation button, especially for those who suffer from hay fever. By keeping the same, cool air inside your motorhome, your AC system will stop dragging in the contaminants of the outside air. This is particularly useful when you’re stuck in traffic, next to a field bursting with vegetation.

4. It reduces fuel consumption

With fuel prices remaining alarmingly high, we’re all looking for ways to save money at the petrol station. During a heatwave, the air recirculation will support the AC system, which in turn will lower the amount of fuel your motorhome uses, as well as save power so the battery lasts longer.

One important tip: if your motorhome has been sitting in the sun for a long period of time, open the windows and turn the AC on to get rid of the hot air. Otherwise, when you hit the recirculation button, you’ll be stuck in a very warm and sweaty vehicle.

Photo credit: Select Car Leasing