This Christmas, after all the mulled wine, when you’re spread out on the floor, stuffed from all that turkey that you thought you could never possibly finish, how about livening yourself up through some light-hearted but strangely engrossing caravan games.
We can guarantee that it will make for a very entertaining time when you’ll feel like throwing something at your computer and will certainly wake you up from your post-Christmas stupor.
So without further ado, we present you with the top five caravan-related online mini games to keep you amused over the Christmas holidays.
Caravan racing
This game is ideal for nurturing the competitive streak in all of us…..or you could simply play just to have the satisfaction of beating the computer!
The game can be played with one or two players and gives you a chance to choose between canyon, city, park or volcano tracks. So get ready, set and go on ‘<' . strtolower('Array') href="" target="_blank">
Caravan parking
We challenge you to even complete one level of this fiendish game. With its ability to make you want to pull your hair out, or to permanently damage your keyboard, trying to get your car and caravan to park in the reserved spot is a game that is practically impossible.
If you can manoeuvre the caravan in the allotted time and manage to get it parked in all three levels, then we’ll consider it nothing short of a Christmas miracle. Test your parking skills on ‘<' . strtolower('Array') href="" target="_blank">
Match the caravan
Fancy yourself to be a caravanning connoisseur? How about testing yourself by matching different historical caravans with their respective cars?
You can even see if your knowledge matches the game master’s little fact file on each caravan.
The perfect game to soothe your nerves after the painfully hard caravan-parking game. Check it out on The National Motor Museum website.
Caravan parking and reversing
Another parking game that will cause you to seriously question your driving ability… well at least on the computer.
This game gives you six minutes to reverse, manoeuvre and ultimately park your car and caravan in a designated area.
Yeah, sounds much simpler than it is in (virtual) reality. Don’t believe us? Try the game yourself on ‘<' . strtolower('Array') href="" target="_blank">
Stuff the sack
Getting into the festive spirit, Coachman Caravans has come up with a Christmas gift for this year that is designed to spread a lot of seasonal cheer.
In this mini game, you play as Santa, and you need to catch as many gifts as possible while avoiding the dreaded bombs and bags of coal.
Extremely fast-paced, we definitely recommend this game for anyone needing some excitement on the morning after Christmas. Find it on the Coachman Christmas mini-site.
These games will be enjoyed by all, especially those who long for their quiet, aloof caravans after all the Christmas hustle and bustle. After all, you can never feel too far from your caravan with these great caravan mini games.