
Residents move into caravans to make way for Olympic officials

The London Olympics will bring great revenue to the local area

by Niki Greig

Creative homeowners in the Olympic boroughs have hit on an innovative way to make money during the Games.

Enterprising residents in areas such as Deptford and New Cross are moving out of their homes and into rented caravans to make way for Olympic officials from Austria.

Whilst others are heading to stay with family and friends or even jetting out of the country to avoid the Olympic upheaval, Yolanda van Steen, who normally lives in Deptford, has recently taken up residence in a caravan.

She will stay there for the duration of the Games, reports the Lewisham & Greenwich News Shopper.

Yolanda is set to make around £2,000 a week in rent from her property and will use it to pay off some debts and cover the cost of renting the caravan.

It does have its drawbacks, however, as the caravan is situated seconds from Gatwick airport: “Aeroplanes fly over every 60 seconds but you get used to it,” she told the local paper, adding “obviously the financial reward is always a bonus.”

Yolanda also sees it as her way of contributing to the Olympics, “It just seems a nice thing to do and doing our bit for the Olympics.”

The Olympic guests, including members of the Austrian Olympic management team and on-call doctors will stay for up to two months and bring in revenue of up to £100,000 to residents and the local economy.