
Caravan parks to benefit from 10 million UK staycationers

Many holiday makers will be heading for UK caravan parks this summer

by Jack Beresford

Caravan parks could be among the main beneficiaries of a surge in the number of UK residents opting to embark on a holiday in the British Isles this summer.

The assessment follows the publication of figures from VisitEngland which show that as many as 10.3 million Brits are planning at least one holiday or short break in the UK this year, with 8.9 million eager to explore England.

Based on data collected from the body’s Summer Trip Tracker, the findings come just days after a study from the Institute of Advanced Motorists and Nissan suggest that one in five people were planning a caravan or camping holiday this year.

These tourers could contribute a significant proportion of the £2.3 billion in tourism spend that VisitBritain estimates this influx of staycationers will bring, with around £1.9 billion projected to be spent in England alone.

“I’m delighted to see that over ten million people are planning to holiday at home this summer,” VisitEngland chief executive James Berresford said.

“The trend for last minute bookings is strong, this coupled with the recent return of sunshine to our shores could provide the industry with a welcome boost.”